Awesome Websites for Downloading free PDF Books
Awesome Websites for Downloading free PDF Books
Reading books has an impact on human life more than anything. There’s a saying that the person who does not read lives once, but the one who reads lives thousands of lives. In today’s digital era, almost everyone prefers books online as it is cheaper than a paper book. And if getting books free is also an option? Yes, certain websites allow downloading free books in pdf format free of costs so that everyone can have their favorite books without paying a single penny. The following are some of the websites which allow users to download free books:
1: Z library:
This site gives you free access to books all over the internet free of cost. You can download free books without registration in epub format and then convert them to pdf free from online epub to pdf converter tool. You can download up to 10 books in a day by free registration on this site, but you can download five books a day without registration.
2: Library Genesis:
This website provides free eBooks that are very easy to download. In addition, it contains a list of 5 categories of the books available in both fictional and non-fictional, i.e., Sci-Articles, Sci-Tech, Fiction, Comics, Standards, Magazines. This is a Russian website with over 1.5 million books available on it.
3: TextbookNova:
This site offers free eBooks via searching abilities since one needs to search books here by entering the title, keyword, author, category, ISBN. The categories are genres available on the sites: science fiction, comics, chemistry, law, etc.; choose your favorite book, and you get it for free and easily.
4: Open Library:
The name itself is an open library on the internet available for everyone who loves to read books. The e-books available are of almost every category like science, science-fiction, fiction, comics, magazines, etc. users have the choice to contribute to the corrections needed in the catalog of an open library.
5: Free EBooks:
This site has a list of categories of books available like Fictional, non-fictional, etc. one of the plus points is that it contains Audiobooks. It contains audiobooks in the same categories of e-books available. It has a certain limit of downloads, and it doesn’t allow anonymous users to download books. To have access to it, one needs to create an account on the website to have unlimited e-books.
6: Archive:
This is a website which not only contains free e-books but also has a big list of movies. Software, music, and other resources available on it. It has more than 50 million books available for download in different categories like fiction and non-fiction. It also has around 12 million text files and more on its site available.
Go on and check out these amazing websites for your favorite books. Keep reading amazing books and search out books on these websites mentioned.
Comments (2)
Reading books has an impact on human life more than anything. There’s a saying that the person who does not read lives once, but the one who reads lives thousands of lives. In today’s digital era, almost everyone prefers books online as it is cheaper than a paper book. And if getting books free is also an option? Yes, certain websites allow downloading free books in pdf format free of costs so that everyone can have their favorite books without paying a single penny. The following are some of the websites which allow users to download free books:
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